- anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
- a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed: an object of medical investigation.
- the end toward which effort or action is directed; goal; purpose: Profit is the object of business.
- a person or thing with reference to the impression made on the mind or the feeling or emotion elicited in an observer: an object of curiosity and pity.
- anything that may be apprehended intellectually: objects of thought.
- Optics. the thing of which a lens or mirror forms an image.
- Gram. (in many languages, as English) a noun, noun phrase, or noun substitute representing by its syntactical position either the goal of the action of a verb or the goal of a preposition in a prepositional phrase, as ball in John hit the ball, Venice in He came to Venice, coin and her in He gave her a coin. Cf. direct object, indirect object.
- Metaphys. something toward which a cognitive act is directed.
Random House Webster's Unabrigded Dictionary

- Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
Aleister Crowley